Our Community

We are fortunate to have one of the most giving communities you could live in. People here give of their time and other resources on a regular basis. In the past, I had fun coaching, being on a few boards, and even serving as mayor of small-town Kershaw, SC. Today, Justice4Kids, keeping our community informed, and recognizing people that make a difference in our community is my focus.

Justice for Kids: Taking a Stand Against Child Hunger

Most children anxiously count down the days until the weekend arrives. The weekend means no school, watching cartoons on Saturday morning, and the promise of fun time spent with family and friends.

Unfortunately, some children in our community do not look forward to the weekend. They dread it. “Why?,” you may ask. Because right here in Lancaster County, children are suffering from hunger.

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Lancaster County Recreation Department

For which we provide support for coaches so they can purchase sporting goods for the children on their teams who need it the most.

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Our Outreach

David Blackwell Law believes in giving back. Learn why we support these programs in our community.

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Our Work in the Indian Land & Lancaster Communities

At the end of every week, children in our community go home from school unsure of where their next meal is coming from. That is why David Blackwell Law started Justice 4 Kids, a nonprofit program that provides food-filled backpacks for children who may not have access to a good meal outside of school.